Hello world!

This is an archive of blog post I wrote during my first venture (beginning of 8thcolor).

As for every project, every book, every blog, there is a beginning. This is it.

I am Christophe, a software engineer with a PhD. After teaching several IT courses (e.g. C++, OOP) and making researches in natural computing, I've started as freelance IT engineer with interests in software engineering, infrastructure, and system administration. When I left the academia 2 years ago, I knew that I want to lead and create my company. After getting some "true" real world experiences, it is time for me to step forward.

Martin is an economist with a pedagogic title. After some years spent in teaching future programmers, Martin has started a proper IT career, where he did work as a programmer, customer contact, team leader, architect and sometimes a mix of those. With interests in software design and knowledge management (starting with his own), Martin looks for new opportunities to use his skills, help others acquire them and learn some more himself.

Thanks to this blog, me and Martin will mainly share about our current experience of creating a IT company (yet another one), but also linked subjects such as technical howto or simply opinions that matters in our work. We see this as a way to communicate our thoughts, exchange on our ideas and challenge our opinions.

If you have any comment, question, or feedback, please share them with me.

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